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LL.M. Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht

Study Trips

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A unique and consistently successful part of our LL.M. program are our study trips provided alongside the regular lectures. Beside a compulsory excursion to the WTO in Geneva, study trips to USA and China are offered. In addition, a study trip to Luxembourg/Brussels will be organized if there are enough applicants for the trip. Students get to know the different legal systems and gain an authentic insight into foreign legal fields and fields of activity. In addition to the academic exchange at the universities, visits to international companies, law firms and courts round off the study trips.


In New Orleans, New York and Washington D.C., participants receive a practice-oriented introduction to US business law.

In cooperation with Tulane Law School, a practice-oriented introduction to US-American law is offered. Because of its civil law tradition, New Orleans is especially suited for an introduction to American Common Law and makes it especially possible to engage in interesting discussions in comparative law between American and Continental European lawyers. The Tulane Law School was founded in 1847 and is known today as «The Harvard of the South». Professors as well as judges work together with lawyers as lecturers within the framework of the program. Additionally, visits to a court trial and a large law firm form a part of the study program. Time is also allowed for individual work and research at the university. The participants receive a certificate from the Tulane Law School. In connection with the one-week seminar, the trip proceeds to New York. There, participants will visit a law firm, an international corporation, New York Law School and the UNO. The excursion is completed with a stay in Washington D.C., where the participants visit the Supreme Court and take part in a tour of the Capitol. Cultural events are planned throughout the entire study excursion.

Highlights are

  • Exclusive lectures at the Tulane Law School
  • Visit of the Federal District Court (incl. hearing)
  • Visit of diff erent law firms
  • Meeting with a Supreme Court Justice


Destinations Director Duration Credit Points

New Orleans
New York
Washington D.C.

Prof. Dr. A. Kellerhals

12 days

20 Sept - 1 Oct 2025




The journey – Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing – offers unique insights into this rapidly developing country.

A focal point of this relationship is the bi-annual LL.M. Program study excursion to China conducted in cooperation with the University of Hong Kong. The University of Hong Kong was founded in 1911 and is considered today to be one of the outstanding universities in Asia. Within the framework of the excursion the participants will be introduced to Chinese business law, both from a scholarly standpoint by professors of the University of Hong Kong and from a practical perspective through visits to law firms, courts and legal departments of internationally engaged enterprises. Next, participants will visit various industrial enterprises in Shanghai. The excursion will be completed with a visit to Beijing, where in addition to lectures at a renowned university and a visit to a law firm, a tour through the Forbidden City will be conducted as well as a trip to the Great Wall.

Among other things the following is on the program:

  • Exclusive lectures at the University of Hong Kong (HKU)
  • Receptions at the local authorities
  • Visits to Chinese and Western law firms
  • Exclusive meetings with officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce
Destination Director Duration Credit Points

Hong Kong

Prof. Dr. A. Kellerhals

12 days

June 2026



Luxembourg and Brussels

This study trip is only offered if enough participants apply.

The aim of this trip is to get an authentic impression of the European Union. Judges of the European Court of Justice report on the development and activities of the European Court of Justice; the participants have the opportunity to take part in an ongoing hearing. Students will also receive an introduction to the work of the Commission and presentations on the position and importance of small states in the EU and on the development of EU competition law. Furthermore, the field of activity and the importance of the Swiss Mission will be presented and the European Parliament will be visited, where representatives will give lectures on current topics of EU policy.

The program includes among other things:

  • Negotiation at the EUGH
  • Conversation at the Luxembourg Parliament with parliamentarians
  • Visit of the Swiss Mission
  • Visit of the EU Parliament
  • Interview with Commissioners
Destinations Director Duration Credit Points


Prof. Dr. A. Kellerhals

4 days

May 2025